

Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria

Opening Conference

Wendell Karlos Tomazzelli Koltro

UFG, Brazil

Closing Conference

Amauri Antonio

 UNESP-Rio Claro, Brazil

Ana Paula
Silveira Paim

UFPE, Brazil

Andreia Neves

UFRGS, Brazil

Andrés Pérez

Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay


Chimie ParisTech, France

Arnaldo Alves

UNESP Araraquara, Brazil

Adilson Ben
da Costa

UNISC, Brazil

Boaventura Freire
dos Reis

CENA-USP, Brazil

Boniek Gontijo

UFG, Brazil

Carla Beatriz Grespan Bottoli


Carlos Diego
Garcia Perez

Clemson University, USA

Cassiana Seimi

USP, Brazil



Celso Ronaldo

Agilent, Brazil

César Ricardo
Teixeira Tarley

UEL, Brazil

Cezar Augusto

UFSM, Brazil

Claudete Fernandes

UFPE, Brazil

Claudimir Lucio
do Lago

USP, Brazil

Clésia Cristina

UFMG, Brazil

Damián José

Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


FURG, Brazil

Daniel Lazaro Galindo Borges

UFSC, Brazil

Débora de
Almeida Azevedo

UFRJ, Brazil

Éder Lisandro de Moraes Flores

 UTFPR-Medianeira, Brazil

Ednei Gilberto

FURG, Brazil

Emanuel Carrilho

USP-São Carlos, Brazil

Eustaquio Vinicius Ribeiro de Castro

UFES, Brazil


University of Warsaw, Poland



Fábio Rodrigo Piovezani Rocha

CENA-USP, Brazil

Fernando Aparecido

UNICAMP , Brazil

Fernando Barbosa

USP-Ribeirão Preto, Brazil


Chimie ParisTech, France

José Krug

CENA-USP, Brasil


LGC, United Kingdom

Helena Teixeira



UNESP, Brazil

Ieda Spacino

UEL, Brazil


Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Academy Sciences, Czech Republic



Jean Lucas de
Oliveira Arias

FURG, Brazil


Czech Academy Sciences, Czech Republic


Institute of Analytical and Physical Chemistry for the Environment and Materials, CNRS, France

José Alberto Fracassi da Silva


José Manuel Amigo

University of the Basque Country, Spain

José Manuel Florêncio Nogueira

Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Marcus Godoy

PUC-RIO, Brazil


UFCSPA, Brazil

Josué Carinhanha Caldas Santos

UFAL, Brazil

Kelly das
Graças Fernandes

UFPA, Brazil

Lauro Tatsuo


Leandro Wang


Lilian Lefoi
Nani Guarieiro



USP, Brazil

Luiz Frederico

FURG, Brazil

Magno Aparecido Gonçalves Trindade

UFGD, Brazil

Maíra Fasciotti
Pinto Lima 


Marcelo Martins

UFMG, Brazil

Marco Aurélio
Z. Arruda


Marco Tadeu

UFPR, Brazil

Marcone Augusto
Leal de Oliveira

UFJF, Brazil

Márcia Foster

UFPel, Brazil

Maria das Graças Andrade Korn

UFBA, Brazil

Maria Elisabete

UFBA, Brazil

Maria Eugenia Queiroz Nassur

USP-Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Maria Fernanda Pimentel Avelar

UFPE, Brazil

María Isabel Pividori Gurgo

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Maria Tereza Weitzel Dias Carneiro Lima

UFES, Brazil

Maria Valnice

UNESP, Brazil

Marília Oliveira Fonseca de Goulart

UFAL, Brazil

Mário César Ugulino de Araújo

UFPB, Brazil


Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain


USP, Brazil

Milton Hernando Rosero Moreano

Universidad de Caldas, Colombia

Morgana Bazzan

UFRGS, Brazil

Orlando Fatibello

USP-São Carlos, Brazil


Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina


Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil

Quezia Bezerra

UFSCar, Brazil

Railson de
Oliveira Ramos

UFPB, Brazil


National Research Council Canada, Canada

Raquel Fernandes Pupo Nogueira

UNESP, Brazil

Ricardo Erthal

UFRJ, Brazil


UFMG, Brazil


University of Mendoza, Argentina

Rodrigo Alejandro
Abarza Muñoz

UFU, Brazil

Rogério Marcos

(URI-Erechim, Brazil)


Institute of Analytical and Physical Chemistry for the Environment and Materials, CNRS, France

Tânia Mara

UFRGS, Brazil

Tatiana Dillenburg
Saint’ Pierre

PUC-RJ, Brazil

Thiago de
Oliveira Araujo


Thiago Regis Longo César da Paixão

USP, Brazil


IFES, Brazil

Wendel Andrade

UFABC, Brazil

William Reis
de Araujo


Wilson Figueiredo


Opening Conference: Jörg Feldmann ( Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria)
Closing Conference: Wendell T. K. Koltro (UFG, Brazil)

Amauri A. Menegário (UNESP-Rio Claro, Brazil)
Ana Paula Silveira Paim (UFPE, Brazil)
Andreia Neves Fernades (UFRGS, Brazil)
Andrés Pérez Parada (Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay)
Anne Varenne (Chimie ParisTech, France)
Arnaldo Alves Cardoso (UNESP-Araraquara, Brazil)
Adilson Ben da Costa (UNISC, Brazil)
Boaventura F. dos Reis (CENA-USP, Brazil)
Boniek Gontijo Vaz (UFG, Brazil)
Carlos D. Garcia (Clemson University, USA)
Cassiana S. Nomura (USP, Brazil)
Célio Pasquini (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Celso R. Blatt (Agilent, Brazil)
César Ricardo Teixeira Tarley (UEL, Brazil)
Cezar Bizzi (UFSM, Brazil)
Claudete Fernandes Pereira (UFPE, Brazil)
Claudimir Lucio Lago (USP, Brazil)
Clésia Cristina Nascentes (UFMG, Brazil)
Damián J. Marino (Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina)
Daniel L. G. Borges (UFSC, Brazil)
Éder L. M. Flores (UTFPR-Medianeira, Brazil)
Ednei G. Primel (FURG, Brazil)
Emanuel Carrilho  (USP-São Carlos, Brazil)
Eustaquio V. R. de Castro (UFES, Brazil)
Ewa Bulska (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Fábio Augusto (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Fábio R. P. Rocha (CENA-USP, Brazil)
Fernando Barbosa Júnior (USP-Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
Fethi Bedioui (Chimie ParisTech, France)
Heidi Goenaga-Infante (LGC, United Kingdom)
Ieda Spacino Scarminio (UEL, Brazil)
Iolanda da Cruz Vieira (UFSC, Brazil)
Jan Kratzer (Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Academy Sciences, Czech Republic)
Jean Lucas de Oliveira Arias (, )
Jiri Dedina (Czech Academy Sciences, Czech Republic)
Joanna Szpunar (Institute of Analytical and Physical Chemistry for the Environment and Materials, CNRS, France)
Jörg Feldmann (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Austria)
José Alberto Fracassi da Silva (UNICAMP, Brazil)
José Manuel Florêncio Nogueira (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
José Marcus Godoy (PUC-RIO, Brazil)
Josias Merib (UFCSPA, Brazil)
Josué Carinhanha C. Santos (UFAL, Brazil)
Lauro T. Kubota (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Leandro W. Hantao (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Lilian Lefoi Nani Guarieiro (SENAI CIMATEC – BA, Brazil)
Lucio Angnes (USP, Brazil)
Luiz Frederico Rodrigues (FURG, Brazil)
Maíra Fasciotti Pinto Lima (INMETRO, Brazil)
Marcelo Martins Sena (UFMG, Brazil)
Marco Aurélio Z. Arruda (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Marco Tadeu Grassi (UFPR, Brazil)
Marcone Augusto L. de Oliveira (UFJF, Brazil)
Maria das Graças A. Korn (UFBA, Brazil)
Maria Elisabete Machado (UFBA, Brazil)
Maria Eugenia Queiroz Nassur (USP-Ribeirão Preto, Brazil)
Maria Fernanda Pimentel Avelar (UFPE, Brazil)
María Isabel Pividori Gurgo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Maria Tereza W. D. Carneiro Lima (UFES, )
Maria Valnice Boldrin (UNESP, Brazil)
Marília O. F. de Goulart (UFAL, Brazil)
Mário C. Ugulino de Araújo (UFPB, Brazil)
Martin Resano (Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain)
Mauro Bertotti (USP, Brazil)
Milton Hernando Rosero Moreano (Universidad de Caldas, Colombia)
Morgana Bazzan Dessuy (UFRGS, Brazil)
Orlando Fatibello Filho (USP-São Carlos, Brazil)
Patrícia Smichowski (Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Argentina)
Quezia Bezerra Cass (UFSCar, Brazil)
Railson de O. Ramos (UFPB, Brazil)
Ralph Sturgeon (National Research Council Canada, Canada)
Ricardo E. Santelli (UFRJ, Brazil)
Ricardo J. Cassella (UFRJ, Brazil)
Rodinei Augusti (UFMG, Brazil)
Rodolfo Wuilloud (University of Mendoza, Argentina)
Rodrigo A. Abarza Muñoz (UFU, Brazil)
Rogério M. Dallago (URI-Erechim, Brazil)
Ryszard Lobinsky (Institute of Analytical and Physical Chemistry for the Environment and Materials, CNRS, France)
Tatiana D. Saint´Pierre  (PUC-RJ, Brazil)
Thiago de Oliveira Araujo (INMETRO, Brazil)
Thiago R. L. C. Paixão (USP, Brazil)
Wanderson Romão (IFES, Brazil)
Wendel Andrade Alves (UFABC, Brazil)
Wendell T. K. Koltro (UFG, Brazil)
William Reis de Araujo (UNICAMP, Brazil)
Zoltan Mester (National Research Council Canada, Canada)

Jörg Feldmann

Jörg Feldmann has the chair of analytical chemistry at the University of Graz (Austria) since 2020. He has been educated at the University of Essen, Germany as Chemist and did his Master thesis in Geochemistry at Chamber of Mines in South Africa, before he graduated with a PhD in environmental analytical chemistry in 1995. Then he was a Feodor Lynen Fellow (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) at University of British Columbia and senior postdoc University of Alberta (Canada) in environmental and clinical chemistry. Subsequently he spent 23 years as a professor for environmental chemistry and director of TESLA (trace element speciation laboratory) at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. He is an elected fellow of the Scottish Academy of Science and Society (Royal Society of Edinburgh) and a fellow of the RSC. He has written more than 300 peer reviewed papers (Scholar h-index 71, citations >20,000) and received numerous prizes such as the CRC Award (2011), European Award for Plasma Spectrochemistry (2015) and the RSC Interdisciplinary Prize and Medal (2016), Engagement with the Industry Award (2020) and his work on arsenic in rice was mentioned in the Queen’s Anniversary Prize 2022. Under his supervision more than 40 PhD students have graduated. His main interest is in the development of new methodology mainly using elemental and molecular mass spectrometry and its application for the elements, arsenic, mercury, selenium and lately zinc and fluorine. More infos

Andrés Pérez Parada

Professor Adjunto (G3 – Assoc. Professor) since 2016 to date.

Departamento de Desarrollo Tecnológico, Centro Universitario Regional del Este (CURE), Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay

2008-2012: PhD in Chemistry – Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Supervisors: H. Heinzen (UdelaR, Uruguay); A.R. Fernández-Alba (UAL, España)

2003-2008: Chemist – Universidad de la República (Uruguay)

Anne Varenne

(Chimie ParisTech, France)

Anne Varenne is a full professor at Chimie ParisTech (University Paris Sciences and Letters, PSL). Doctor and engineer from Chimie ParisTech, she carries out her research in analytical sciences and microfluidic diagnostics dedicated to health and environment, through the understanding and characterization of interactions in solution or at interfaces, the design and characterization of nano-structures and the design of integrated miniaturized total analysis. She holds or has held various positions at the local, national and international levels. She is the  head of the SEISAD research team at Institut of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences of  Chimie ParisTech- PSL. She is the director of the Graduate Program in Chemistry of University PSL (15 laboratories, 200 investigators, 200 PhD students,).

Carlos D. Garcia

Dr. Garcia received his B.S. in Biochemistry and Ph.D. in Chemistry from the National University of Cordoba (Argentina) in 1996 and 2001, respectively. During that period of time, he was a TA for the INFIQC/Department of Physical Chemistry and taught several courses at the undergraduate and graduate level. From 2002 to 2004, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Mississippi State University and Colorado State University under the supervision of Dr. W. Wilson and Dr. Charles Henry, respectively. In September of 2004, he joined the faculty at The University of Texas at San Antonio as an Assistant Professor of Analytical Chemistry. He was promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in 2010 and to Professor in 2014. In Aug 2015, he joined Clemson University. In 2018 he was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. His group is focused on the study of interactions of proteins with nanostructured surfaces and their use in analytical chemistry. Additionally, he is developing microfluidic devices to monitor biologically active compounds. Dr. Garcia is engaged in various professional activities which provide opportunities to recruit graduate students and to inform the public about the chemistry program at Clemson. These include the presentation of seminars at colleges and universities, and the presentation of posters at national and international meetings. At present, Dr. Garcia directs the thesis research of two chemistry graduate students (Ph.D. program). Dr. Garcia also has a substantial research program with undergraduates students, which complements and supports the research of graduate students. The outcomes of the research activities have been presented and recognized at national and international scientific meetings and are regularly published in peer-refereed journals, all of which have students as coauthors. His research has received support from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, National Agency for Space and Aeronautics, and the Office of Naval Research.

Celio Pasquini

Bacharel em Química pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1978), mestre em Química pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1981), doutor em Química pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1984) e pós-doutorado pelo King´s College – London, Inglaterra (1986). Aposentou-se em setembro de 2017 como professor titular do IQ-UNICAMP. Atualmente é pesquisador titular convidado do Instituto de Química da Universidade Estadual de Campinas e professor voluntário da Universidade Federal de Viçosa – MG. Coordena o Instituto Nacional de Ciências e Tecnologias Analíticas Avançadas (INCTAA). Atua na área de Química, com ênfase em Química Analítica, principalmente nos seguintes temas: análise por injeção em fluxo, análise em fluxo monossegmentado, análise multivariada, espectroscopia no infravermelho próximo (NIR), espectroscopia de emissão em plasma induzido por laser (LIBS), espectroscopia terahertz no domínio do tempo (THz-TD), espectroscopia Raman THz e desenvolvimento de instrumentação analítica.

Celso Blatt

Graduação em Química Industrial pela UFSM de Santa Maria, RS. Mestrado e Doutorado em Química Analítica pela USP, SP. Pesquisador em instrumentação analítica na Instrumentos Científicos CG Ltda – SP de 1987 a 1992. Engenheiro de suporte e depois Cientista de Aplicações na Hewlett Packard / Agilent Technologies Brasil de 1992 até hoje.

Ewa Bulska

Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Director of Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw, Poland; co-author of over 200 scientific publication and more than 20 book chapters.  Her scientific interest covers the area of the metabolism of biologically active substances, including proteomics and metabolomics as well as the investigation of cultural heritage objects.

She act as a President of the Metrology Council in National Metrology Institute in Poland. She received a number of awards, in between Bunsen-Kirchoff Award (by Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker); IUPAC’2015 Distinguished Women in Chemistry, as well as  Knight’s Cross Polonia Restituta of the Republic of Poland. She was awarded by fellowship at Max-Planck Institute für Metallforschung, Germany; visiting scientist at the University of Umea, Sweden;  DAAD fellowship at the University of Darmstadt, Germany.

She works actively in various non-profit organization, she is a member of Executive Board of EUROLAB, Vice-President of POLLAB as well as member of the Executive Committee of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Society.

Fethi Bedioui

Fethi Bedioui works in research and investigations in the Higher Education sector for over 40 years.

He received his Chemistry diploma in 1981 from “Chimie ParisTech”, Paris (France). He was awarded his PhD in Physical Chemistry in 1986 from “Université Pierre et Marie Curie”, Paris (France). He is currently a senior researcher in the CNRS, and his current research interests revolve around the development and the implementation of advanced molecular materials for electrocatalysis and electrochemical sensing devices for biologically relevant molecules (thiols, nitric oxide, peroxynitrite etc.). He is leading his research within the SEISAD team (“synthesis, electrochemistry, imaging and analytical systems for diagnosis”) at Chimie ParisTech-PSL. His scientific work is reflected in over 275 publications including books and book chapters (H index = 55).

Jiří Dědina

After obtaining his PhD (physical organic chemistry) in 1975, his research has focused on trace element analysis. His current research interests include: (a) Generation, collection and atomization of volatile compounds for trace and ultratrace element analysis and for speciation by AAS/AFS; (b) Mechanism of hydride atomization in flames and quartz tube atomizers. He also acts as a full professor of analytical chemistry at Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Science. Author of a monograph on hydride generation, several book chapters in the field and over 100 papers in impacted journals most of them treating atomic spectrometry. He presented over 30 invited lectures at prestigious international conferences. He was awarded by Ioannes Marcus Marci Medal, Spectroscopic Society of Ioannes Marcus Marci, Prague and by Nicolaus Konkoly – Thege Medal, Slovak Spectroscopic Society. Until his partial retirement in 2020, he was the Head of the Department of Trace Element Analysis of Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences. He was also member of the Council of Sciences of the Czech Academy of Sciences and chairman of the Commission for the Defence of the Research Professor Degree in the Field of Analytical Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences. Presently, he continues in his activities as a researcher.

Joanna Szpunar

Joanna Szpunar graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology in 1986 and obtained her Ph.D (1992) and D.Sc. (habilitation) (2000) from at the University of Warsaw. Since 1997 she works at the National Research Council of France (CNRS). In 2007 she obtained the title of professor of chemistry (Poland). She has a broad experience in the field of bio-inorganic speciation analysis with a focus on the identification and quantification of trace element species in biological systems and in the chemistry of metal-biomolecule interactions. She is the author or co-author of a book and more than 180 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals. Her works have received more than 11100 citations (h-factor  65).

Joanna Szpunar is a fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. She has given 50 invited lectures and is a member Advisory Boards of JAAS, Metallomics and Separations. The investigations carried out under her supervision and/or with her active participation resulted in the identification of molecular targets of metals in biological systems including, among others, Bi-binding proteins in Helicobacter pylori, tumor-related polypeptide in human epidermal keratinocytes upon exposure to Ni nanoparticles, Cd-metallothionein complexes in kidney cell lines upon exposure to CdS nanoparticles, I-contaning proteins in algae as well as selenoproteins in bacteria and plants. She has supervised 12 PhD theses and several post-doctoral fellows.

She was the chairperson of the Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry (Cracow, Poland) in 2013. Joanna Szpunar is the laureate of the 2013 Jerzy Fijalkowski Award and the 2017 European Award for Plasma Spectrochemistry.

Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda

Substitute Executive Director of the Unicamp Foundation – FUNCAMP, Director of the Institute of Chemistry – Unicamp from 2018-2022, he acts as Full Professor at the Unicamp, Department of Analytical Chemistry, head of the Sample preparation, spectrometry and mechanization group – GEPAM, and he is Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He acted as invited professor at Pau University – Pau, France, and at University of Ballears Island – Palma, Mallorca, Spain. Additionally, he acted as adviser in more than 60 Master Dissertations or PhD Thesis.

He belongs to the advisory board of the Metallomics, Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Journal of Integrated Omics, and is Editor-in-Chief of the Brazilian Journal of Analytical Chemistry. He also acts as a member of the advisory board of the Brazilian Chemistry Association (ABQ), and of the National Institute of Science and Technology – INCT for Bioanalytics.

Author or co-author over 250 research articles, 11-chapter books, 5 patents, over 50 invited lectures in national/international scientific events, Editor of 3 books, and received some awards (national and international) in his carrier.

The main research interest includes bioanalytical with emphasis on speciomics, mass and atomic spectrometry, sample preparation, and mechanization.

Morgana B. Dessuy

She holds a degree in Industrial Chemistry from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2004), a master’s degree (2007) and a Ph.D. (2011) in Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. She is currently assistant professor at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and researcher from the National Institute of Science and Technology of Energy and        Environment (INCT E&A). The main area of interest is Analytical Chemistry, with emphasis on Atomic and Molecular Absorption Spectrometry techniques, for the development of analytical methods (using a minimal sample preparation procedure) for the determination of trace elements and nonmetals.

Patricia Smichowski

Patricia Smichowski obtained a MS in Nuclear Engineering from the Engineering School of the University of Buenos Aires in 1981 and received her Ph.D. in analytical chemistry in 1995 from the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain. In 1982 she joined the Argentine Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) where she is still working. Currently she is Head of the Analytical Developments Division. She is also Principal Research at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET).

She specializes in the development and application of atomic spectrometric techniques to biological and environmental analysis. Her interests lie in the preconcentration, speciation and determination of trace metals and metalloids in a variety of matrices by employing vapor generation-inductively coupled plasma-optical emission or mass spectrometry, atomic fluorescence spectrometry and other coupled techniques. She has conducted national and international projects aimed to characterize the presence of metals, metalloids, ions, organic compounds in airborne particulate matter as well as to elucidate their origin.

She holds a patent relating to the development a sorbent for arsenic retention.

Patricia Smichowski has published 130 peer reviewed articles, 12 book chapters, 45 invited lectures at international meetings and has co-organized several international conferences. She is a member of the advisory board of four international analytical chemistry journals as well as the European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis. 

Thiago de O. Araujo

Dr Thiago de O. Araujo is Permanent Professor at the Metrology Post-Graduation Program, Professor at the Biotechnology Program and is a researcher at the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) since 2002. He has graduated in chemistry from the University of Brasilia (UnB) in 2002, and completed his PhD in analytical chemistry at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) in 2014 investigating tools to determine biomolecules containing platinum. He was a Guest Researcher at NIST developing strategies for determination of Fe containing biomolecules.

His research is focused on measurement science. He has especial interest in developing high precision methods applying hyphenated techniques such as HPLC-ICP-MS, for speciation, metallomics and application in biological matrices.

Wendel Alves

Bioanalytical Chemistry has experimented with huge progress in the last years due to its importance in many areas. The great advances in techniques applied to bioanalysis have been achieved revolutionizing the way to obtain information about a biological sample. Many recent kinds of research have been focused on developing analytical tools to reduce costs giving access to most people. In this context analytical devices with the concept of point-of-care-testing have received great efforts from many research groups. The workshop will present and discuss the contributions made by INCTBio (National Institute of Science and Technology of Bioanalytics) to the advances in bioanalytical chemistry. The contributions of INCTBio to the advances in biosensors, separations, and spectroscopy will be presented in different talks, which will be discussed in terms of perspectives on future bioanalytical chemistry.